Current Listing for Auction @ NPSB
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* Information in the listing are subject to changes by the respective Legal Owner.
* Lot No. starting with "F" belongs to Affin Bank Berhad.
* Lot No. starting with "A" belongs to AmBank Berhad.
* Lot No. starting with "C" belongs to CIMB Bank Berhad.
* Lot No. starting with "H" belongs to Hong Leong Bank Berhad.
* Lot No. starting with "P" belongs to Public Bank Berhad.
* Lot No. starting with "U" belongs to Toyota Capital Malaysia Sdn Bhd.
* Lot No. starting with "M" belongs to MayBank Berhad
* The Auction House and the Legal Owner are NOT responsible for any error in the listing.

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